Pricing Information

Who we are, What We Offer

JB Media Productions wants our new clients to be fully informed of the video production process and our approach to production. Each industry has unique characteristics, therefore, it's essential to understand the process before beginning.

JB Media Productions initially provides a proposal that may be revised due to elements unknown to us. In our initial proposal, we include a full quote document. Once received, you have the opportunity to discuss any issues with us and allow us to work out any revisions needed to best suit your needs.

Sometimes we make changes to the initial proposal as we learn new elements about your project that were previously unknown to us. This does not always mean a difference in the budget or scope; sometimes, it simply means we develop a better understanding of how to better focus the project and achieve its intended purpose.

Production Process


It is essential that we have tight scripts before planning the pre-production. Scripts will give us a clear understanding of what to prepare for and what it will take to achieve the goal result. The scripts function as our road map for the project. 

There are two approaches to writing scripts. First, you can hand us all pertinent information, and we can craft the scripts in their entirety.

The second option is to co-write the scripts with us. We recommend co-writing the scripts because it ensures the content is correct and provides the most efficient process.

Once the scripts are finished, we will request signed script approval from you.


Once the scripts are approved, we move to pre-production. Having adequate time to plan is essential to the overall quality and efficiency of production. It also avoids costly reshoots.

During the pre-production stage, several needs must be addressed:

  1. Location Scout: On-site is preferred but not always feasible. If we cannot scout in person, we can discuss needs by phone. Still, photos and details of where we will be shooting are helpful. You have the option to shoot at our studio facility. For more information on using our studio for your shoot, go to our Equipment Rental and Studio Space page.
  2. Scheduling: This includes the number of travel days, shoot days, shooting hours, interview times/duration, location availability, and meals. Confirming these details may take some time. The schedule needs to be locked down one week before the shoot. For multiple interviews, it should be decided whether to shoot the interviews in one location or have a different location for each person. Rushing a project can jeopardize the overall outcome and quality of the final product. The prompt turnaround of a project is contingent on an existing production schedule.
  3. Interviewees/Talent: The amount of people being interviewed affects the production and the final product. Keep in mind that less is more. Your project may need VO (voice-over) talent. This can be someone from the company, or we can hire a professional for you.
  4. Company Representative: A company representative must be with the crew at all times to confirm all company protocols are being met within the video's content and the actual production.
  5. Expenses: This includes travel, lodging, meals, and additional crew/equipment if required.
  6. Clearances: Our crew will need proper clearances and access.
  7. Graphics/Animation: These will be determined by the script and the client’s needs. Basic graphics such as titles and lower thirds are part of the packages, but complicated custom animations are billable and need to be planned.
  8. Music: If music is needed, stock music is available. If there is a special request for music other than what is in the stock music library, music search and purchase will be billed. If the client wishes to provide their own music, they must ensure that all copyright clearances have been approved for any media they provide.


Location shoots may include 2-4 crew members (depending on the job), our equipment van, and possibly a single production vehicle. Our van contains grip/lighting equipment 2-hampers and 1-camera cart to help us move our gear throughout your facilities.

Shoot days may not be consecutive.

You have the option to shoot at our studio. Contact us for details on using our studio for your shoot.

Additional crew/elements may be needed depending on the nature of each job. This will be determined in pre-production.


We will determine an editing schedule and deadline. All persons involved in the decision-making process should view the first edit. Consider that editors must give editors reasonable time to make the correct changes.

Re-edits that are not a part of the contract, or part of the approved script, will be billed accordingly. Rush edits may incur additional fees.

Customized Graphics/FX/Animations are usually special orders, and the project will determine pricing.

Still Photography

Josh Birt Media Productions offers a still photography package as an add-on.

Pricing Overview



  • Scriptwriting
  • Storyboards
  • Location Scout(s)
  • Casting
  • Graphics/Animation Prelims

NOTE: Elements that will affect the pre-production budget include:

  • Overnight travel for scout;
  • Casting fees;
  • Multiple storyboards;
  • Multiple scripts and/or rewrites;
  • Location changes.

Video Shooting Rates


  • 2 Crew members
  • 1-Ton Grip/Lighting Van
  • 1-Camera Package
  • Audio & Lighting packages


  • 1 Crew member
  • Camera package
  • Audio & Lighting packages

NOTE: Elements that will affect the shooting budget include:

  • Additional crew, camera & lighting equipment;
  • Multiple days;
  • Specialized production equipment (eg. drone w/ licensed operator);
  • Long distance/overnight travel;
  • Script rewrites


Basic Editing: $100/Hr.; $700/Day

Graphics/2D Animation: $150/HR.; $1050/DAY

3D Animation: TBD

NOTE: Elements that will affect the editing budget include:

  • Rush edits;
  • Unscripted changes;
  • Additional unscripted graphics/animations;
  • Customized graphics/FX/Animations;
  • Multiple versions;
  • Voice-over talent;
  • Original music